What is Disk Partitioning? Advantages & Disadvantages Explained!

As a rookie computer user, one has to know plenty of details before experimenting something new, something interesting otherwise that experience will turn into a nightmare. So in this article, we will discuss about what is Disk Partitioning? How does it work? & what are the advantages & disadvantages of using disk partitions? Not only … Read more

How to Fix Ghost Touch Problem from Your Smartphone?

When devices start to react to nonexistent touches or open applications without having done anything then we can say, this is a ‘Ghost Touch’ problem. Actually, smartphones touch screens perform actions by themselves when this problem occurs. Of course, this is a pretty annoying problem, and most of the time it can’t be solved without … Read more

Enable G-SYNC On NVIDIA Graphics Cards: G-SYNC Compatible Graphics Cards

G-Sync is a proprietary adaptive sync technology developed by Nvidia to eliminate screen tearing and screen stuttering. By syncing the monitor’s refresh rate to the frame rate of the outputting device such as a graphics card, this technology solves the problem. Of course, it’s a proprietary technology by NVIDIA. So, for a device, in order … Read more

Differences Between HD Ready & Full HD: Choose Wisely!

You may have noticed these terminologies like HD Ready, Full HD, UHD, UHD 4K, etc. when you go to purchase a new television online or offline too. These terminologies refer to the different resolutions of the televisions. In this short article, we are going to discuss the differences between HD Ready & Full HD; and … Read more

SATA Vs PATA: Differences You Should Know!

It has been over a decade since we have started using Serial ATA (SATA). By replacing an old & bottlenecked interface called Parallel ATA (PATA), SATA hit the market and rightfully earned its place. Nowadays, it’s very rare to notice PATA on any motherboard. Being a pretty old interface, SATA is not there where it … Read more

TV Vs Monitor: Which One Should Be Picked?

In terms or look as well as usefulness, TV & monitor, both are quite same in the perspective of many users and thus, they believe these two as same which is a huge misconception. Even some professional gamers are confused about what they should need for their gaming, a high-end modern TV or a quality … Read more

What’s So Awesome About Thunderbolt 3?! Secrets Revealed!!

It’s been a long time since we have created an Article about the in-detail definition of Thunderbolt Port and explained all of its features along with all the versions. So, we have decided to provide the spotlight to Thunderbolt 3 particularly in this article in order to make you realize how amazing Thunderbolt 3 exactly … Read more

Use Your Monitor As A Smart TV! Easy Steps To Do!

A few days ago, I have purchased an LG gaming monitor (Model no: 27GL650F). As its model no suggests, this 27-inch monitor comes with a full HD IPS display. And, a matter of fact, due to the IPS display, this monitor obviously provides a very accurate color combination. Anyway, after using this monitor for sometimes, … Read more

Chromebook Vs Laptop: Which One Should You Pick?

In the last decade, numerous modern gadgets are invented courtesy of advanced science & technology. Some of those devices become very popular and Chromebook is undoubtedly one of them. If you have an average budget to purchase a laptop, you must have thought about Chromebook once. In the first glance, you may think that on … Read more

Why Should You Never Use RAM Booster Apps? – Know the Truth!

RAM booster or task killer apps are appreciated & accepted by millions of smartphone users nowadays. Frankly speaking, you may be one of those million users who use these types of apps in order to boost RAM’s performance of your smartphone. But, do these RAM booster apps really work for benefits? or have they any … Read more

External GPUs: How Do They Work?

Nowadays, External graphics processing unit or, in short, EGPUs are the talk of the town. Why? Because it is rumoured that using an External GPU provides your old laptop much more graphics processing power than its internal one. What do you think? Does it seem true fact to you or its just a hoax that … Read more