Slow Laptop? How to make Laptop/PC Faster?

If you find yourself stuck with an old and sluggish computer or laptop but still want to make the most out of it, today’s article is just for you. In this guide, I’ll share some techniques to breathe new life into your aging device, making it faster and more usable. Don’t worry if you are … Read more

AMD Threadripper vs. Threadripper Pro vs. Epyc: What’s the Difference?

Everyone knows that Ryzen is AMD’s mainstream series, but apart from that, there are three other lineups: Threadripper, Threadripper Pro, and Epyc. Today, let’s discuss them. Each lineup targets a specific audience. In short, the Ryzen series is for home desktop users, covering gaming, productivity, and content creation needs for most users. However, for those … Read more

Why is India’s satellite view on Google maps blurry?

Google Maps is widely used for navigation and is considered one of the best applications for this purpose. As you zoom in on Google Maps, in satellite view you’ll notice each building, place, vegetation, roads, and lakes, but especially in Indian Maps everything appears somewhat blurry and lacks clarity. On the other hand, if you … Read more

8 Windows Diagnostic Tools that Really Help

Encountering occasional hiccups and glitches in your Windows operating system is almost inevitable. To navigate through these challenges seamlessly, these Windows Diagnostic Tool emerges as an invaluable ally. In this article, we delve into the functionalities and capabilities of these powerful tools, shedding light on how they can assist users in identifying and resolving myriad … Read more

Why iPhones are Expensive in India?

The iPhones are being manufactured in India, yet they seem more expensive compared to the global pricing. For example, the iPhone 15 is priced at $799 in the US, which is approximately 66,208 rupees. In India, the same iPhone is priced at 79,900 rupees. Why is there such a difference, and is Apple making a … Read more

Does Antivirus Detect and Remove All Malware?

While antivirus software significantly contributes to digital security, it’s essential to recognize that they don’t guarantee complete protection or eliminate every single instance of malware and viruses. How Does Antivirus Software Work? Always remember that no antivirus software, whether online or offline, can offer you 100% protection. All antivirus software works based on virus definitions. … Read more

How The Internet Travels Across Oceans?

Whatever internet you’re using today, whether it’s through mobile data or Wi-Fi, 99% of the data travels through undersea cables. Optical fiber cables are laid beneath the sea, connecting different continents and enabling our internet connectivity. Why undersea cables? Why not the satellites, orbit the Earth? Well, while it’s possible—Elon Musk’s Starlink does this—current technology … Read more

Do you need Antivirus in Windows? Revealing the Truth

Your common sense is better than any antivirus software, indeed. If you can refrain from pressing those red or blue “Download” buttons on various websites, you might not need any antivirus software on your computer. The truth is that nowadays there’s not much need to spend money on separately purchasing antivirus software because Windows itself … Read more

Rechargeable Battery Vs Non Rechargeable Battery: Best Buy

In the context of today’s discussion, we discuss a topic of utmost simplicity and yet profound importance – the choice between rechargeable and disposable batteries and the circumstances that guide our decision. This article focuses primarily on the often-overlooked pencil batteries, specifically AA and AAA batteries. In our modern, technology-driven world, batteries play an indispensable … Read more