External GPUs: How Do They Work?

Nowadays, External graphics processing unit or, in short, EGPUs are the talk of the town. Why? Because it is rumoured that using an External GPU provides your old laptop much more graphics processing power than its internal one. What do you think? Does it seem true fact to you or its just a hoax that … Read more

PC Vs Console: Is PC Gaming Still Better in 2020?

The absolute battle between PC gamers and console gamers continues for the ages. Some say gaming in PC is more entertaining whereas some others say console gaming is more beneficial and comfortable. So, its really confusing and arguable to say which platform is really better for gaming? That’s why, in this article, I am going … Read more

LED Bulbs Vs CFL Bulbs: Choose The Better One!

The incandescent light bulb which was invented by Thomas Alva Edison is one of the greatest and most remembered scientific inventions in history. Today, the usage of incandescent light bulbs has overshadowed as the other two major types of light bulbs are discovered which are far better than the old incandescent bulbs in terms of … Read more