Chrome Vs Edge Chromium! Download Chrome Extensions In Edge?!

Web browsers are one of the most important parts of our computers and mobile phones that play a huge role in connecting to the outer world that is filled with information. Talking about web browsers, Google Chrome is the most reliable and convenient one for most of the users because of its high security and functionality but the newly updated Microsoft Edge browser is not far behind in terms of popularity. That’s why you can say, these two are the most leading web browsers right now. Even, Microsoft Edge provides more security than Google Chrome actually but it has just one big disadvantage which is less available extensions. Yes, a very low amount of extensions are available in this browser whereas Chrome provides innumerable extensions. Now, think differently. If we somehow download and use those extensions in Microsoft Edge, what would happen? We can get the better-secured browser along with thousands of new extensions so it would definitely be amazing! The question is; Is it really possible? Yes, it is possible, definitely possible! How? Read the article to know the steps of how to download Chrome extensions in Edge. Not only that, but we will also take a look at Chrome Vs Edge; The top differences between the two. Read the full article to gather all your information about Chrome Vs Edge. Let’s get started.

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Download & Install The Latest Chromium Based Microsoft Edge Browser

First and foremost, you have to update your PC’s Edge browser into the latest chromium-based Edge browser in order to continue the process.

To update your Edge browser, go to this link > scroll down and click on ‘Download for Windows 10’.

After completing the download process, open the downloaded content by double-clicking this ‘MicrosoftEdgeSetup.exe’ File.

Now, if your browser is not updated, a dialogue box will be shown on the monitor where you have to click on ‘Get Updates’

Now you will be redirected to the “Windows Update” settings. There, you have to simply click on the ‘Download’ button to start downloading. Lastly, Restart it.

Now, the updates are complete and what you have to do is to install the chromium versions of your Edge browser. To install it, just double click on it and click on ‘Run’ and your job is over as it automatically continues the rest of the process. Wait until the downloads and installations are done completely.

Download Google Chrome Extensions In Microsoft Edge With Ease

After the installation, open your Edge browser. You can notice that this version of Edge browser is fully chromium based so that you can download and use Google chrome extensions in it.

The process of downloading extensions in the Edge browser is pretty easy. Just click on the three dots on the right side corner of the screen and click on the ‘Extensions’ option.

After going there, click the three-bar button on the left side corner of the screen and toggle on the “Allow extensions from other stores”.

A pop-up will come to the screen in which you have to click on “Allow”.

Now, go to the URL section and type “”.

In this Chrome web store, you can download your preferable and likable extensions for as per your need. You can search for any extensions in the search box for your convenience. Search your required extensions and click on the “Add to Chrome” button.

Lastly, click on the “Add Extension” button on the pop-up message and your extension is added! Now, it’s your responsibility to check whether the extension is working properly or not.

Precautions Before Downloading Chrome Extensions In Edge!

So, you have known how to download Chrome extensions for Edge and you have seen how easily you can do that. Now, this is the time when you have to learn some precautions before downloading any extensions in your Edge browser.

  • Firstly, keep in mind that don’t download extensions from any low rated and untrusted source because it can be risky as well as harmful for your browser’s safety and security. Some extensions contain malicious programmes that can steal your data and sell to the hackers. Though Google is a very responsible manufacturer so they always try to eliminate the extensions that are causing malicious activities but if you are using any malicious extension in your Edge browser, how can Google remove it? Sadly, Google cannot because the manufacturer of Edge browser is Microsoft and the extension you are using in this browser is from Google Chrome. That’s why Google can’t help you. This is the reason why the message on the Chrome web store is shown when you go there to download any extension for your Edge browser. So, always download and use extensions from any trusted source or any extension that is high rated enough mainly in your Edge browser to be safe and secure.
  • Secondly or lastly, another thing that you have to take care of before downloading any extensions is that every extension may not work in this browser. Why? The reason is very simple. Those extensions are optimized for Google Chrome, not for Edge browser. Yeah, Microsoft Edge is chromium based now but that doesn’t mean it have to support all the extensions of Chrome. That’s why, some extensions may contain bugs or may not work properly in Edge. Still, most of the extensions work pretty well in Edge.

Therefore, these are the steps that you have to follow to download Chrome extensions in Edge. I will recommend you that don’t download any extensions in your Edge browser until It’s necessary enough because it will be risky for you which I have explained in the precautions.

Chrome Vs Edge: Which is Suitable For You?

Let’s take a brief look at the differences between Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge so that you can decide what suits best for your usages and needs.

User Interface is The First Impression!

The homepage of both browsers is different in their own way. Google Chrome is using its same blend looking Google search bar that comes with most visited websites whereas Microsoft is using Bing daily wallpaper under the Bing search bar with most visited sites. You can customize your user interface in the Edge browser.

Chrome V Edge Basic Differences

Better Performance is Highly Required!

The performance of a browser depends on many factors such as the speed of the internet, version of the app, the power of the used device, the number of installed extensions, ongoing background functions, etc. Still, as per my experience, I think Microsoft Edge comes with more smoothness and preciseness while scrolling.

Cgrome Vs Edge: Edge Provides Better Scrolling Capability

More Features = More Convenience?!

After Microsoft Edge turned into a Chromium-based browser, it also comes with the features that Google Chrome possesses like dark themes, various fonts style, page themes, etc. Additionally, it features an outstanding reading mode with voice support though it has lost its old feature which is the ability to pin websites after it has updated as a Chromium one.

Google Chrome Dark Mode

What Edge can’t offer but Chrome can; is the dedicated theming engine from the web store which is used to personalise your whole experience.

Read Also: Is Dark Mode Better for Your Eyes? Here’s the Answer

Better Security is the Key!

As I have mentioned in the introduction of the article that Microsoft Edge comes with better security than Google Chrome. According to Security Trend – 2019 report, Google Chrome scores 87.9% in security whereas Microsoft Edge Scores 93.6%. So, Edge is more secure than Chrome without any doubt though when it comes to the availability of extensions and their securities, Chrome definitely surpasses Edge in comparison.

Microsoft edge Also Provides Better Secuirity

Cross-platform Availability is Open-mindedness!

Chrome is available on each and every platform from Android to iOS and from Mac to Windows.

You can Download google chrome on cross platforms

And still, Microsoft surpasses Chrome as it is not only accessible on Android, iOS, Mac and Windows but also runs perfectly on ARM-based Windows PCs including Surface Pro X. Even Edge will also be ready for Windows 10X!

Chrome Vs Edge: What Should Be Your Choice Now?

This is quite a tough question to answer, isn’t? Both of them are awesome web browsers in their own way. Surprisingly, Microsoft Edge becomes a very strong opponent for Chrome. That’s why, users are confused about what to choose for using. Chrome is undoubtedly a solid option for every type of user but you should experience Edge sometimes. Maybe it will be a better option for you and you will like it more than Chrome. If you ask me, I use both but mostly use Chrome because I love to use it. Anyway, it really depends on you what you prefer most and what your usages are.

Chrome Vs Edge

Therefore, I hope you have understood this article about “Chrome Vs Edge! Can You Really Download Chrome Extensions In Microsoft Edge?!”. If so, don’t hesitate to comment down below to express your thoughts regarding this topic. Thanks for visiting and appreciating my work.

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